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Back to the "strains"... The Incredible Cell Regeneration by Stem Cells !

Writer's picture: NastasyaNastasya

Back to the "strains"... The Incredible Cell Regeneration by Stem Cells

Analyse laboratoire microscope cellules souches

The discovery of stem cells in the functioning of the human body has revolutionized our scientific knowledge.

The mechanism of the human body is extraordinary. It has an innate power of regeneration!

Stem cells were discovered in 1961 by biophysicist James Till and his colleague Ernest McCulloch. In 1981, embryonic stem cells were identified in mice by Martin Evans, Kaufman, and Martin. In 1998 in the men's category by the teams of American James Alexander Thomson, Joseph Itskovitz-Eldor and Israeli Benjamin Reubinoff. In 2000, he transformed cells into neurons.

In 2007, the teams of James Alexander Thomson in the United States (on human blastocysts) and Shinya Yamanaka in Japan (mouse cells) succeeded in dedifferentiating adult cells into embryonic stem cells by genetic transformation. This could be an important step forward, as it would allow embryonic stem cell research without the use of embryos for this purpose.

One hundred thousand billion: that's about the number of cells that make up the human being. They are distinguished into two hundred different cell types.

What are stem cells ?

Stem cells are undifferentiated cells with two properties:

· that of self-renewal.

They are capable of multiplying infinitely and maintaining themselves in the body.

· differentiation into specialized cells of different cell types.

Their ability to transform into completely different types of cells by differentiating in order to repair organs distinctly.

Stem cells are the "mother cells" of all other cells in the human body, including blood cells. Such as red blood cells - which carry oxygen, white blood cells - which fight infections or platelets - which help limit bleeding.

To regenerate our tissues, three million stem cells are produced every day by a mechanism of cell division,

is said to be asymmetrical, thus ensuring the continuity of the function and implying that the mother stem cells give rise to two daughter stem cells that are not identical:

  • one that preserves the original DNA, which prevents the stem cell reservoir from drying up and

  • one that contains a copy of the DNA and engages in a differentiation pathway, thus acquiring the characteristics of the tissue to be repaired. (24)

At the very beginning of life, they allow for the complete development of a human being, and then throughout life, they are an extraordinary natural reserve that allows us to replenish our stocks of specialized cells, i.e. cells distinct from each organ.

Because of their incredible capabilities, stem cells offer real therapeutic prospects.

They play a central role in the development of organisms, they are able to regenerate them, as well as in maintaining their integrity throughout life.

Where are the stem cells ?

The bone marrow, the nerve center of stem cell production, where they are present in large quantities.

Sleep is essential in the body's cell regeneration. During rest, the body regenerates and produces stem cells.

In order to prove that stem cells originate from bone marrow, a team of researchers used cells labeled with Green Fluorescent Protein injected into the bone marrow of a mouse with myocardial infarction, they found that after 36 hours, 30% of the heart's repair stem cells were fluorescent.

The stem cells will then be distributed among the various organs. Thus, they are present and dispersed throughout the organs of the human body: skin, bone marrow, liver, heart, intestine, brain (22, 23)

Stem cells are more numerous and more present in rapidly renewing organs.

Fonctionnement des cellules souches régénération des organes

Schéma 1 - fondation de l'Hopital d'Ottawa & Simply sceince

What is a differentiated cell ?

The so-called unipotent cells are differentiated cells, i.e. they function within a single organ only. For example, a liver cell will not be able to repair a heart cell. These cells enter the process of self-regeneration. (22,24,26)

How stem cells work and Cell regeneration ?

The fabulous functioning of the human body has highlighted its ingenuity, foresight, and ability to deal with many situations.

One of the most exciting discoveries is the reserve of stem cells from the various organs. Practical in case of aggression because this stock allows the organs to be regenerated.

In this way, the organs can self-regenerate!

Stem cells or repair cells have a primordial role, a real Swiss Army knife, they will repair all organs. They are extraordinary!

The process of self-regeneration occurs even if the body is not subjected to aggression.

Thus, at different rates, each type of tissue in the body is constantly renewing itself.

The mechanism of the human body is extraordinary! It possesses an innate power of regeneration

according to which any aggression or internal disturbance is perceived by the stem cells of the bone marrow which send them a warning signal. Stem cells have the ability to migrate to the damaged organ (homing 29), differentiate and transform into cells of that organ. '22,24,28)

The stem cell recognizes the injured area with adhesion cells that drive the blood out and guide it to the site to be repaired where they proliferate and differentiate to become cells specific to that tissue, although the differentiated cells of the tissue are also involved.

Stem cells are our body's natural regenerative system.

Vidéo - @Adesiasprod

How often are they produced ?

Every day, the human body makes stem cells.

· The bone marrow has stem cells that make red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets and all other organs

· The liver has stem cells that allow it to make hepatocytes

· The heart also has them to make cardiomyocytes

How long does it take for organs to regenerate ?

For example, the skin renews itself every 28 days.

The liver will renew itself every 3 years.

It takes 4 to 6 years to renew a lung.

It takes 25 to 40 years to renew a heart

Just like the brain thanks to neurons, glial cells as well as the intestine and pancreas.

The decrease in stem cells with age leads to cellular aging of the body.

However, with age, the release of stem cells decreases, cell recovery and regeneration decrease, which leads to cellular aging and potentially the occurrence of pathologies.

Factors such as lack of physical activity, stress, certain medications such as cholesterol-lowering drugs, exposure to environmental toxins, endocrine disruptors, petrochemical ingredients, and a poor diet can also cause a decrease in our body's ability to renew itself. The aspect of decline is more important than the aspect of renewal.

Ainsi des traitement aux cellules souches sont en phase de développement

utilisations potentielles des cellules souches guérir des maladies rares graves

Figure 2 - Stem Cells-Treatments-Potentials Let's Talk Science

Preferring prevention, a question arises whether we can naturally support the body...

There is thus a balance between cell loss and tissue renewal. (22) It is therefore important to stimulate the natural role of stem cells in order to maintain health. The question is whether there are molecules or dietary supplements capable of stimulating the production of bone marrow stem cells.

How to boost your stem cell production ?

Good news! And yes, it is indeed possible to boost your stem cell production naturally! Scientifically proven without the need for expensive treatments or complex operations. Here is a simple, affordable method within everyone's reach and without any risks! So don't deprive yourself of it...

At Naturare, We specialize in the regeneration of sensitive skin, being the most demanding, we have turned to 1st 100% natural materials, soft with the skin and high performance to regenerate it. These dual requirements: High tolerance and high efficiency lead us to select our raw materials with the greatest care. By favouring reduced product ranges to the usual overconsumption, which are nutritious or even harmful due to its petrochemical and endocrine disrupting ingredients.

Regeneration is a complex process that, in order to be fully comprehensive, requires IN/OUT Care. That's why, to complement our skin care products, we were looking for effective treatments to regenerate the body.

Long sought, we have finally found it Our Rare Pearl promising you a beautiful internal regeneration that can have a concrete impact on your life, your health and your skin!

An important discovery has highlighted the fact that nutrition and more specifically food supplements can play a decisive role in the production of stem cells!

Apart from the incredible nutritional richness of certain plants in the "superfood" category, their benefits are multiple, on the body, fitness, well-being, helping against stress, the effects of external aggressions, oxidation...

Scientific studies have demonstrated and proven the virtues of a beneficial microalgae: the Aphanizomenon Algae Flos Aquae, also known as Klamath. This little blue/green aquatic wonder is a rich, nutrient-packed cocktail, one of the most nutritious foods on the planet!

Klamath has been shown to have the ability to support the natural process of cell renewal based on stem cell action. This is the concept of stem cell maintenance aimed at improving this intrinsic process considerably, gently and naturally!

In this way, we will all be able to benefit from an optimal state of health and well-being thanks to the alternative and natural medicine of stem cells. We can optimize our cell regeneration through stem cells. Without going through expensive treatments but by favoring natural prevention and plant nutrition through simple gestures, a cure ritual completing a healthy life with rest phases, a healthy and varied diet. A simple method that can significantly improve your fitness, impact your overall health and help your body regenerate itself by increasing its production of stem cells!

Notes et références

  1. Inserm, Cellules souches embryonnaires, Thérapie cellulaire

  2., cellules souches

  3. Nat Biotechnol. 2000, 18:399-404, Reubinoff BE et al. Embryonic stem cell lines from human blastocysts: somatic differentiation in vitro. [archive]

  4. Cellules souches : elles repoussent les limites de la vie !, Science et Vie, n°1070, novembre 2006, page 57.

  5. "La transformation des cellules souches adultes en cellules souches succeptibles de régénérer tous les tissus de l'organisme" 2012, Prix Nobel de Médecine décerné à Shinya Yamanaka etSir John B.Gurdon pour leur découvertes révolutionnaires

  6. Takahashi et al., « Induction of Pluripotent Stem Cells from Adult Human Fibroblasts by Defined Factors », Cell, vol. 131, no 5,‎ 2007, p. 861-872. (DOI 10.1016/j.cell.2007.11.019).

  7. Shinya Yamanaka, « Generation of induced pluripotent stem cells without Myc from mouse and human fibroblasts », Nature Biotechnology, Nature Publishing Group, vol. 26,

  8. Nature, 1981, Vol. 292:154-6, Evans and Kaufman, Establishment in culture of pluripotential cells from mouse embryos [archive]

  9. Thomson JA et al. Science 1998, 282:1145-7 Embryonic stem cell lines derived from human blastocysts. [archive]

  10. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1981, 78:7634-8., Martin GR, Isolation of a pluripotent cell line from early mouse embryos cultured in medium conditioned by teratocarcinoma stem cells [archive]

  11. Reprogrammation: Comment changer n'importe quelle cellule du corps en une cellule souche pluripotente [archive],, 5 Oct 2010.

  12. Andrew Pollack, A Stem-Cell-Based Drug Gets Approval in Canada [archive], The New York Times


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